Organisation & Staff Society Scientific Publishing

Why I am sponsoring Eawag content on the Water Science Policy Platform

Partnering with a dynamic, innovative platform led by young professionals is a way to increase Eawag’s outreach, visibility and impact.

Organisation & Staff Careers

Get the most out of your international travel – visit Eawag!

With an extended visit, you can get the most benefit from the carbon emissions associated with international travel.

Organisation & Staff Careers

Awards and Honors are Part of Professional Development

Recognition through professional awards and honors can advance your career and open doors to leadership opportunities.

Organisation & Staff

Why I do not have a 10-year plan for Eawag

Long term plans often fail in the face of unanticipated challenges and opportunities.  I feel that Eawag is best guided by the principle of identifyin…

Organisation & Staff Water & Development Society Careers

Science communication – the future of inclusivity & equity in science!

Earlier this year, we attempted to change the format of conference sessions by inviting scientists based on 4 criteria: the #ABCD_conference approach.…

Organisation & Staff Society Careers

Why I am co-Chair of SDSN Switzerland

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutions for…

Recent Authors

Janet Hering
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Ole Seehausen

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Florian Altermatt

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